Universal Healthcare

As I contemplate a career change, from military related to health related, I wonder how best can we improve the health care system of the US. By now, I think everyone would argee that we have serious problems. It’s just that no one wants to make the difficult choices to “fix” it, or can’t seem to agree what a “fix” would constitute.

One common complaint I hear about universal healthcare is lack of choice (which I can’t answer to). The other seems to be the sentiment of “why should my taxes pay for the healthcare of someone [poor,lazy,etc]?” I think this is incredibly short-sighted. How can our companies, large and small, compete internationally with other companies that don’t have to worry about pensions or healthcare? Rather than think so parochially about whether a fellow American might deserve your tax dollars in health care, you should worry about some other country’s citizens stealing your job or livelihood because they are cheaper to employ.


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